The Sunday Post #23 – Alli the Book Giraffe

Hello readers! We are already a week into January. I have done a lot this week including reading. How is everyone’s reading going? I have finished two books so far.

The Sunday Post and the thumbnail I’m using were created by The Caffeinated Reader. In The Sunday Post, you share news each week with your audience. This can be personal, book news, blog news, or anything else you want. Click the creator’s name for more details!

Life Update:

I made homemade pasta sauce this week! I didn’t take any pictures because it looked so bad. I found out that I’m not supposed to caramelize the onions first. I caramelized the onions with some chopped up mushrooms. It honestly tasted so amazing, but the look was completely wrong. It slowly turned brown from my onions and never went back.

I love making things from scratch like this and I might try to make my own pasta later this year. I’d have to get myself a roller, though.

On the Blog Last Week:

Monday – December Wrap Up

Tuesday – 2023 Reading Stats

Wednesday – WWW Wednesday

Thursday – New Years Book Tag

Friday – EBIO 21

Upcoming This Week:

Monday is a Down the TBR Hole, Thursday is the Reread Book Tag, Friday is a Let’s Talk Bookish post, and Saturday is a book blogger hop.

Reading Update:

I’m making my way through both of these books. I’m hoping to start another book today and finish Barbarian Alien sometime tomorrow.

This Ice Planet Barbarian series is actually pretty good! I’m hoping we get a lot more scifi aspects to it in the series. It is a really long series and there are more books than there are women, so we will have to see what happens.

ARCs on my shelf:

I don’t currently have any new ones, but I will have one this upcoming week!

What I Watched:

This week I finished Hells Kitchen, well all that is out. I’m most likely starting the new season of Masterchef Junior next or the new Kids Baking Championship.

Yesterday, my husband and I watched Zombieland 2. I thought we already saw it, but we did not. Do you guys like zombie stuff? I’m not the biggest zombie fan, but I have watched Walking Dead and all kinds of movies.

A New Reading Challenge:

I decided I wanted to join in the Read Harder challenge. I did it back in 2019 and 2020 and then stopped. I never try to go for all 24, but I’d like to get as many as I can. I think in those years that I did at least half of the challenges.

I think I do read diversely, but I have read less diverse in 2022 and 2023, and I think this challenge will help me to do better!

This is my chart for 2023. I don’t love how big my ‘none’ section is. Keep in mind as well that some books I read had multiple types of diversity and therefore would skew my none numbers a bit.

Where to find me: 

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