Hunter Biden’s Capitol Visit Surprised Republicans, and His Father’s Advisers

“He makes his own decisions, just as he did today in how he responded to Congress,” – shared Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, with the press on Wednesday. She did not provide follow-up responses to queries regarding whether President Biden was aware of the plans for the Capitol Hill appearance in advance.

Hunter Biden last made an appearance on Capitol Hill in mid-December, where he defended not only himself, but also his father. Republicans have had a challenging time finding substantiated evidence of the president’s misconduct as vice-president, allegedly in assisting his son’s business dealings.

“To be perfectly clear: My father had no financial involvement in my business. He was not a practicing lawyer, not a board member of Burisma, was not partnered with a Chinese businessman, and not involved in my investments, either domestic or international, and certainly not as an artist,” declared the younger Biden. He flatly stated he would not attend a private deposition that had been scheduled by House Republicans due to his previous refusals.

At the time, he had cautioned his father that he intended to speak, and the White House revealed that President Biden was aware that his son would be holding an unplanned press conference. Shortly after, Representatives James R. Comer of Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Ohio, the two Republican committee chairmen leading an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, penned a letter to the White House stating their intent to investigate possible presidential interference with congressional process.

On Wednesday, Hunter Biden was silent, arms crossed, sitting next to Mr. Lowell when Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia who had disseminated explicit images of him during a previous congressional hearing, started to speak.

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